System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
3.26 Communications utility time of day synchronization
The communications utility, time of day synchronization allows a unified
system time to be provided over several SIMADYN D subracks.
The following can be used as time source:
a time transmitter can be connected via an "Industrial Ethernet"
the MM3 communications buffer module
the CPU inserted to the far left in a subrack
The time is distributed:
within a SIMADYN D subrack via a communications buffer module
to other SIMADYN D subracks via the subrack coupling
Precisely one function block RTCM should be configured per subrack to
distribute the system time.
Further information
to configure function blocks, refer to the user documentation
"SIMADYN D, Function Block Library".
The following function blocks are used to read-out the system time:
RTCABS: absolute time in the date/time of day format
RTCREL: relative time in seconds since 01.01.88
These blocks can be configured as required.
Function block