Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
Task ID
Possible response IDs
0 0,6
1 1,6
2 2,3,6
3 2,6,7
4 3,6,7
5 4,5,6
6 4,6,7
7 5,6,7
8 2,6,7
9 3,6,7
10 4,6,7
11 5,6,7
Table 3-88
Task ID PR, response ID PRR Task/response
If the @DPH central block set-up a task at its outputs, issued from a DPI
block, then it waits until this task is responded to in the specified
TIMEOUT. (Initialization input RCM, there is no TIMEOUT for RCM=0.).
In this case, the value RCM specifies the number of sampling times
which block @DPH waits for a response from the issued task before a
TIMEOUT message is generated. The inputs of the @DPH block are
checked at each cycle in order to define the response. If a response is
present at the inputs, which matches the task which was issued, then this
is transferred to the DPI block. Cascading
By changing input IC with input EN set, a task is transferred to the central
block. If the response is received, or if input EN is not set, then output QC
is set.
A ”Round Robin” topology can be configured using several DPI blocks by
connecting the QC outputs with the IC inputs; in this case, the
interconnected DPI blocks can issue, one after the other, a task to the
central block. In the configuring example, block DPI1 would first issue a
task to the device; if DPI1 was to receive a response to this task (in this
case, it could also involve a TIMEOUT), then it negates its output QC.
Thus, DPI2 becomes active. By interconnecting to form a ring (QC from
DPI2 connected with IC from DPI1), it is ensured that only one DPI is
active. However, we would like to expressly point out that a non-activated
DPI block (connection EN is 0) does not diminish the ring functioning, as
a negation of input IC is also repeated at output QC.