Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003 Message
Messages are transferred via PROFIBUS FMS using Read or Write
operations. SIMADYN D can be both server as well as client. Messages
are structured, which are open as far as PROFIBUS is concerned.
The subordinate FMS utility is obtained from the message output block
MSI configured using CFC and, more precisely by the entry made at
connection AT.
The channel name is specified at the address connection. The object can
be read with the FMS utility Read.
AT- 'channel name'
The SIMADYN D utility ID at the end of the object name is "M".
The communications partner must read the object at certain intervals
using the FMS utility Read. If a message was also output via the
message output block, then the Read operation is positively
acknowledged when this message is returned, otherwise negatively
Address example
The configuring is to be made in subrack "BGT1", CPU No. 3, function
block MSI:
thus the following object name is obtained: MELD____BGT1__3M
the object can be read.
The channel name, address stage 1 and address stage 2 are specified at
the address connection. The object must be available in the object
directory of the communications partner. SIMADYN D writes into the
external object using the FMS utility Write.
AT- 'Channelname.Adressstage1.Addressstage2'
SIMADYN D writes into the external object each time the message output
block outputs a message.
Address example
Function block MSI
AT- 'MELD.0404.33500'
SIMADYN D writes into the external object with FMS index 33500
via communications association 4.
The FMS structure of the objects is obtained from message output block
MSI configured using CFC, and more specifically from the entries made
at connections SNV, STM, SSF. Connection STC must be set to "1"!
FMS utility
FMS utility with
FMS utility with
FMS structure