Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
3.24 Communications utility process data
The communications utility, process data supports "pure" data transfer in
the transmit- and receive directions, i.e. the function blocks only transfer
process data. The data itself is neither evaluated nor logically interpreted.
There are two block classes for data transfer:
receive- and transmit blocks: CTV and CRV
channel marshalling blocks: CCC4 and CDC4
The CRV and CTV blocks can handle most of the communication
Receive- and transmit blocks
There is one receive- and one transmit block. They are called CRV
(communication receive virtual) and CTV (communication transmit
Using a receive- or transmit block a telegram is configured, which is
transferred from or to a coupling module. The structure and contents of
the telegram are defined when configuring the virtual connections. Virtual
A virtual connection is an "invisible" connection between block
connections. There is no interconnection drawn at the configuring
interface, and only a margin connection is created.
The configuring engineer defines which values are to be transferred from
block outputs or to block inputs. He does this using "connection name
receive/transmit" at the receivers or transmitters and the "virtual
connection name" and the "sequence number" at the block inputs or
block outputs to be processed.
The connection name consists of an exclamation mark ("!") and a
maximum of 6 characters (upper case letters or numbers). The character
sequence is located directly after the exclamation mark (e.g. "!SEND").
The exclamation mark does not have to be configured as it is
automatically generated.
A virtual connection consists of:
virtual connection name
sequence number
Connection name and sequence number are separated by a point (e.g.
"!SEND.0056"; the point (period separator) between the connection name
Connection name