System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
if address stage 2 is present, then SIMADYN D is client as far as
the associated FMS utility is concerned. Address stage 2 is the
variable name or index of the object for the communications
partner. This object must be available in the object directory of the
communications partner and its description must be able to be
read using "Get OV".
If address stage 2 starts with a number, then it is interpreted as
index, otherwise as variable name. If no "Get OV" is executed on
the remote object, then the object is addressed per index.
If SIMADYN D is a server as far as an FMS utility is concerned, then
SIMADYN D creates a variable object in the FMS object directory.
If a number in the value range "6000"..."6199" is configured as channel
name (only these numbers may be configured as channel name!), then
the channel name is interpreted as index and the object is created in the
object directory under this index. In this case the object does not receive
a variable name. A remote client can address this object under the index.
If the channel name starts with a letter, the object is created in the object
directory under an automatically assigned index. In this case, the object
receives a variable name. A remote client can address this object under
the variable name (only possible for communication partners which
support "Addressing with names".).
The variable name, using the SIMADYN D syntax has the following
Channel name
Configured just like at AT, AR, US, precisely 8 characters long; if the
configured channel name is shorter, then it is supplemented by "_" so
that it is 8 characters long.
Subrack name
Name of the subrack in which the SIMADYN D utility is configured; it
is precisely 6 characters long and if the configured name is shorter,
then it is supplemented with "_" so that the total length is 6 characters.
Number of the CPU on which the SIMADYN D utility is configured,
precisely 1 character: "1"..."8".
Identification for the SIMADYN D communications utility which creates
the object; precisely 1 character. The following IDs are possible:
"P": process data
"M": message system.
Variable name