Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
1. Select "Init" - "Edit". A mask is displayed with entries for:
DATABASE FILE: Database file name (for CPSS5 this must start
with "V")
PATH DEFINITIONS: Enter the name for the path and path file
2. Select "Edit" - "CP Init". A mask is displayed with entries for:
L2 - ADDRESS: L2 address of the SS5 communication module
(this must correspond to the SIMADYN D configuring at function
block @CSL2F!)
NETWORK FILE: The name of the file which contains the global
network parameters (the first five characters can be freely
selected, followed by ".....NCM.NET")
generation date: Can be freely edited
system name: Can be freely edited
3. "Edit" - "Network parameters" (refer to the Chapter Bus parameters)
4. "Edit" - "Communication associations" (refer to the Chapter
Communication associations)
5. "Tools" - "Bus selection" (refer to the Chapter Loading the database)
6. "Loading" (refer to the Chapter Loading the database) Bus
The bus parameters are edited in three steps:
1. "Edit" - "Network parameters - global":
The global bus parameters for all stations are edited. This step must
be executed once per bus. The global bus parameters are saved in
the network file. Each station, which had selected this network file
("Edit" - "CP Init"), accepts the bus parameters.
2. "Generate" - "Network setting":
The global bus parameters, edited in the first step, are transferred into
the databases of all of the stations, which use the selected network
file. In so doing, the data is checked for consistency. This step can be
made once when editing the last station.
3. "Edit" - "Network parameters - local":
This step changes the global bus parameters for a certain station.
Generally, this is not necessary.