Changeover from STRUC V4.x to D7-SYS
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 03.2001
in STRUC V.4.x
in D7-SYS
Edit comments
Enter free comments text
In the CFC:
Select the menu command
View > Catalog
to display the
function block catalog of the CFC. Select the "
" entry
and, with the mouse key depressed, drag it into the work
area of a CFC chart. Double click on the text field to enter
text. With the shift key depressed, click on the text field to
change its size.
function blocks
In the CFC:
Click on the function block output, which is to be the
source for the interconnection. Then click on the input
which is the destination of the connection.
The CFC must be in the sheet view.
Connect the
function blocks to
the margin ($
signals, virtual
connections at
connectors, types
Create interconnections to global operands
($ signals, virtual connections, connections at function
block connections (I/O), data type GLOBAL)
In the CFC:
Select the function block connection to be connected.
Select the menu command
Insert > Connection to
function blocks
In the CFC:
Double click on the function block connection. In the dialog
window which opens, you can enter a value, comments
text to the connection, scaling factor and units text
double click on the function block header. You can now
parameterize all the connections (I/O) of this function block
in the register side "
" of the dialog window
which opens.
Define the
sequence in which
the function blocks
are processed
In the CFC:
Double click on the function block header. You can now
see the position of the function block in the sequence in
which it is executed in the register side "
" of the dialog window which opens. You can
now remove the function block and insert it at another
position in the execution sequence, or
select the menu command
Edit > Sequence
. You can now
shift the function blocks to other positions in the execution
sequence in the window which opens.
Create a run-time group and edit its properties.
In the CFC:
Select the menu command
Edit > Sequence
. You can
create new run-time groups or change the
characteristics/properties of existing run-time groups in the
window which opens.