Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
Message entry blocks for an activated and a de-activated
For message entry blocks, which generate an activated and a de-
activated message, the following conditions must be fulfilled for message
input EN must be set.
for an activated message, a rising edge must be available at input I1
and connection Q1 or SM must be reset.
for a de-activated message, a falling edge must be available at input
I1 and connection Q2 or SM must be reset.
If these conditions are fulfilled, then:
for a rising edge, an activated message is generated and connection
Q1 is set.
for a falling edge, a de-activated message is generated and
connection Q2 is set.If these conditions are not fulfilled, and if
connection SM is reset, connections Q1 and Q2 are reset.
For message entry blocks MER16, MERF16, MER0, MERF0, which have
a vector as message connection, and which generate 16 or 32
messages, for message connection IS1 and output connection QS1 or
QS2, the appropriate bit positions must fulfill the conditions of the entry
Further, these blocks have a QN output, which indicates whether a
message was generated.
3.21.2 Configuring
example for a message system
At least one CPU in the subrack
A data interface is available with the name ”D01”
In the example, only the actually required blocks for the message system
are listed. Central communication blocks (e. g. for the data interface) are
not listed.
The configured message system consists of:
1 central block @MSC
2 entry blocks (MER and MERF0)
2 message evaluation blocks (MSI and MSIPRI)
Entry logic
Special features for
MER16, MERF16,
Prerequisites for a
message system
Function blocks