Hydraulic System Preparation
Keep the documentation of all components used at hand.
Check the DRn system for damages.
Check all mechanical, hydraulic and electrical connections.
Make sure that the piping is assembled in a clean and tight manner.
Make sure that the pump suction channel is unobstructed.
Check the hydraulic circuit diagram of the machine for direct functions/
motions during the build-up of pressure.
Check the hydraulic fluid tanks for cleanliness.
Fill in the hydraulic fluid according to the machine manufacturer's regu‐
lations. Only use filters with the required minimum retention rate.
Axial piston pump A10, A4
Rexroth Sytronix Mounting and Commissioning Axial Piston Variable Pump
Material number: R911341629 (Edition 02)
Electric Hardware Connection Preparation
After the hydraulic components are mounted correctly, the electrical drives,
motor and external signals should be connected correctly. Here are some
hints for the connection of EFC 5610 and the external signals.
First of all, the EFC 5610 has following three areas:
Control or operating panel
The operating panel is at the center of the frequency converter and com‐
posed of two areas: display and keys. The display shows mode settings and
operation state of the frequency converter. The keys allow the user to pro‐
gram the frequency converter
Modbus is default component in the EFC 5610.
Power and control terminals
Interfaces for the power connection and to connect the EFC 5610 to the mo‐
Fig. 7-34:
Control circuit terminals
The frequency converter might be damaged!
Please make sure that the power supply of the frequency converter has been
switched off before plugging or unplugging the connector.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Frequency-Controlled Pump Drive System Sytronix DRn 5020
Commissioning of Sytronix DRn 5020 System