② Speed adaptation
F3.12, Speed adaptation: P-Gain [rpm/%]
F3.13, Speed Adaptation: I-Gain [rpm/%/s]
F3.16, Speed adaptation: D-gain [rpm/%*s]
In general, P-Gain, D-Gain should be set to zero they are available for spe‐
cial problems and tuning of the speed adaptation.
The I-Gain does all the control actions needed to run the system smooth and
should be valued between 20...150 for smooth and oscillation free adapta‐
Variable oil volumes can be challenging to control for a DR/DRG
Pump with mechanical pressure control. Large volumes can't be
controlled without oscillation if there are no hydraulic damping ori‐
fices installed.
For DRn 5020 system, the value of I-Gain (F3.13) can be increased to speed
up the adaption of the drive speed when load conditions change.
The following figure shows the behaviour of DRn control with the parameter I-
Gain. The hydraulic system choosen for this plots is a basic one with small
volume and A10DR Pump. It shows the default value of 50, 150 and 300. The
higher the gain factor is, the faster the speed adaptation is working. Too high
values lead to a small overshoot in speed.
Fig. 7-40:
Impact of I-Gain on adaptation speed
The following figure shows the behaviour of DRn control with the parameter
boost ramp. The hydraulic system choosen for this plots is a basic one with
small volume and A10DR Pump. It shows the value of 1,000, 3,000 and
6,000. The higher the gain factor is, the faster the boost function is getting
back the pressure to its levels. Too high values lead to oscillation in pressure
Bosch Rexroth AG
Frequency-Controlled Pump Drive System Sytronix DRn 5020
Commissioning of Sytronix DRn 5020 System