Click on one of the choices to close the list and display
the choice in the list box.
Badge Type field
The Badge Type field is a drop-down list box (described
above) for specifying the badge format and printer to be
used for the currently displayed record. Each choice in
the list consists of a badge format code and a printer
Note: The Badge Type field may have a different but
similar name on your ID-4000 system.
Radio buttons
Radio buttons provide a fast way to enter data that has a
limited number of mutually exclusive choices (you must
choose one, but you can choose only one).
To choose the option next to the button, click the mouse
on the button or the option. A dark center in the button
indicates that it is selected.
Check boxes
Check boxes provide a way to select (or not select) one
or more of a limited number of options. Unlike radio
buttons, check boxes are not used for mutually exclusive
choices. (All check boxes can be selected, if desired.)
To choose the option next to the check box, click the
mouse on the box or the option. An X in the box
indicates that it is selected. To deselect the option, click
again on the box or the option.
Escort Priv
Property Priv
ID-4000 operation 4-13