in the box. If you are navigating through a window using
the TAB key, you press the TAB key until the box
becomes highlighted, use the UP and DOWN ARROW
keys to scroll through the list of choices, and press
ENTER to select the choice and display it in the box.
error log Captures information about all ID-4000
system errors as they occur.
export data To save text and/or image data to external
files for use in other ID-4000 systems or in other
field A group of characters, including letters, numerals,
or symbols, in a record. For example, the area in which
you enter the ID number in a data entry window is
referred to as a field.
file A collection of related data records or instructions.
filename The name assigned to a file. For example, the
filename of the audit log file is A_REPORT.TXT.
icon button An on-screen button with a picture that
represents its function. To identify an icon button’s
function, you position the mouse pointer over the
button, and the name and description of the icon button
appear in the upper portion of your window. To choose
an icon button to execute a task, you position the mouse
pointer over the button and click the left mouse button.
image data Computer-translatable code that is used for
capturing, storing, and displaying portraits, signatures,
and other images.
import data To retrieve text and/or image data from
external files for use in other ID-4000 systems or in other
input device A device, such as a camera, scanner,
signature tablet, or bar-code reader, that you use to input
information to the ID-4000 database.
insertion point In a text field, the position where text is
inserted when you start typing. The insertion point
usually appears as a flashing vertical bar, or “I-beam”.