mouse button, you either start an operation or display a
new window.
menu bar Located below the title bar along the top of a
window. Contains all ID-4000 commands related to the
current window.
mouse pointer The
the movements of the mouse and indicates the area that
will be affected when you click or double-click a mouse
operator An individual that uses the ID-4000 system for
entering, editing, and retrieving applicant data, capturing
portraits and other images, and printing badges.
option button A small round button, also referred to as
a radio button, that you use to make a selection. Option
buttons always appear in groups of at least two, and you
can select only one option button within a group at one
output device A device, such as a printer or a magnetic
stripe encoder, that you use for outputting ID-4000 data
onto badges or other media.
output device statistics You can view ID-4000 output
device statistics in the Statistics window, including
number of badges printed by various printers.
password A unique string of up to ten characters,
numerals, symbols and/or spaces that you use to log into
the ID-4000 system. Passwords prevent unauthorized
individuals from using the system.
queue One or more documents that you send to the
printer for printing.
record A collection of text, signature, and/or image
fields that relate to a single applicant.
radio button See
report Selected data from the ID-4000 database that
has been reformatted for viewing or printing purposes.
scroll To move through a list of items using a scroll bar.