Web server
User manual 58185_TREE M4/6-TX PN IP20_hdb_en_10
Server not reachable
* Possible reasons for the OpenVPN server not being reachable
A firewall is blocking the connection.
The OpenVPN server is not ready to receive a connection.
The time has not been set up on the client. The time must be the same on
both the client and the server in order to open an OpenVPN connection.
(see Section 11.4.4 "Network Time Protocol (NTP)" for information about
configuring the time).
The route information has been entered incorrectly in the switch (see Sec-
tion 11.4.2 "IP configuration").
Additional information provided when a connection is made:
Server IP:
IP address of the OpenVPN server
Remote IP
IP address that other OpenVPN clients can use to access the switch over
the network.
Bytes sent/received
Number of bytes exchanged over the OpenVPN connection.
The switch will attempt to restore an OpenVPN connection following a reboot
even if the connection was interrupted.
Stop OPENVPN service
In order to terminate the OpenVPN connection on the switch, the OpenVPN
service must be stopped (see Section 11.7.1 "Overview of software plugins").
In the current version, the messages in the status window are kept up to date.