User Manual
HART to Ethernet Gateway System
September 2018
Moore Industries-International, Inc.
Network Security
Two-layer security is standard on the HES. There is a hardware level, which can make the
network configuration read only (see User Configurable Hardware section for details) as well as
the ability to limit the number of active connections.
Modbus TCP connections = 4 HART-IP connections = 4
For more secure network environments, the number of active MODBUS/TCP connections can
be limited to just one. This will ensure that there are not multiple unauthorized or undesired
MODBUS/TCP hosts polling the HES. If only the web server pages or HART-IP are going to be
used, you can set the number of MODBUS/TCP connections to zero preventing any MODBUS
hosts from connecting to the HES.
To set the number of allowed HART IP or MODBUS TCP connections to the HES:
1. Click on “Network Security” in the selection pane.
2. Choose the number of HART-IP connections (1-4) in the pull down menu
3. Choose the number of MODBUS TCP Connections (0-4)
4. Click “Apply”
Please remember to download to your device, refer to Saving the Configuration File to the HES
at the end of this section.