User Manual
HART to Ethernet Gateway System
September 2018
Moore Industries-International, Inc.
The pencil icon means you have not saved or applied the change.
Please remember to download to your device, refer to Saving the Configuration File to the HES
at the end of this section.
HART Field Device Settings
First, select the device you want to configure from the pull down list.
Polling Address -
This is the HART Polling Address, as entered on the Channel
Configuration screen. It is read-only on the Field Device Settings screen.
Polling Command [Command 3] -
This is used to select the HART command for
retrieving Dynamic or Device Variables. See Section 1 Introduction, Dynamic and Device
Variable for more information.
Command 3 -
Used for retrieving PV, SV, TV, QV and loop current from the field
Command 9 -
Command 9 is supported by HART 6 or 7 devices. Selecting this
command requires the user to define the number of Device Variables (DVs) and
each DV code to be read.