User Manual
HART to Ethernet Gateway System
September 2018
Moore Industries-International, Inc.
Fixed Network Settings or DHCP
To use the HES on a given Ethernet network, three settings must be configured– IP address,
gateway and subnet mask. The HES comes with DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
enabled, allowing the network settings to be acquired automatically when the HES is
connected to a network with a DHCP server. Change the DHCP to a static IP. The number can
be obtained from your system administrator. NAC client should always be used initially and
DHCP should not be set permanently.
If the HES is using DHCP at start up, the network address information
displayed in the list box is how the server is currently configured. When you double-click to open
the Edit window, the network settings boxes are disabled. You cannot set the IP address,
subnet mask or gateway address manually if DHCP is enabled.
The use of DHCP introduces the possibility of change or loss of IP
address, caused by DHCP server outages or configuration specifics, or by an untimely power
outage to the HES (i.e. coincident with DHCP lease expiration). Use of fixed network settings in
the HES is recommended, and avoids these potential problems.
Change Network Settings
To access the network settings of the HES, run the NAC Client on a PC connected to the same
network as the HES or, if no network is available, connect a network cable between the
Ethernet ports of the HES and PC. No cross over cable is necessary.
1. Start the NAC Client by clicking on the icon in the Start Menu
2. Once the program is running, click Find All
3. If more than one HES is on the network, the NAC Client will list them all.
4. Disconnect the network cable from the HES in question, click Find All again and
determine which HES disappeared from the list.