TI V 5 Outdoor Unit Installation Manual
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Checking Outdoor Unit Settings / Setting the Optional Modes
Optional Modes
Fault Detection and Diagnosis Modes (Fdd, Fd)
LG’s LGMV should be used to assist in gauging Multi V system operations. If LGMV is not available, LG has included some onboard service
algorithms (Fault Detection and Diagnosis Modes) to help with new installation, or troubleshooting a malfunction on an existing system.
The results provided by running a FDD (Fault Detection and Diagnostics) routine should not be considered definitive proof that a system is properly
operating. No “Fd” function code should be left in the “on” position without an LG trained commissioner approving and guiding its use.
Function Modes (Func, Fn)
Modify the operation of one (1) or more components of the VRF systems. Setting a Function Mode typically impacts the universal operation
of the refrigeration system control.
Indoor Unit Modes (Idu, Id)
Modify the operation of one (1) or more of the indoor units. Can be used to adjust a localized issue with a single indoor unit or group of
indoor units.
Service Modes (SvC, Se)
Should only be used by LG trained service technicians who have in-depth knowledge and experience working with Multi V systems. Service
codes provide manual control of the VRF system component(s) as aides in isolating an operation problem during initial commissioning / start-
up, assist with diagnosing an operation problem, or used to modify the operation of the oil return and/or defrost cycles.
Saving Optional Mode Settings
In general, the main PCB on the master unit must be rebooted if the optional mode changes:
1. Compressor speed operation.
2. Outdoor unit fan speed operation.
3. System target pressure variables.
For specific, more detailed information, see the instructions for each mode on the next few pages. The short list of optional modes in this
manual may be useful for installation. For other modes that may be used for service, etc., purposes, see the Multi V 5 Service Manual.
How to Cycle the Power on the Main PCB:
1. Open the outdoor unit control box (on multi-frame systems, identify which frame is the master outdoor unit).
2. Find the SW01D Reset Button on the PCB.
3. Press the SW01D Reset Button one (1) time.
Checking Outdoor Unit Settings
Initial Display
Outdoor unit settings are sequentially displayed in the SSD five (5) seconds after applying
power. All displays are shown on the master outdoor unit.
DIP Switch Settings
DIP switch settings must be changed with the system power OFF (settings won’t be applied).
All displays are shown on the master outdoor unit SSD.
DIP Switch
Checking Outdoor Unit Settings.