diamond - User Manual
Version: 8.0.0/1
Exported on: 24 October, 2023
5.6 diamond - Configuring the IP Connection to Power Core
This topic describes how the IP communication with Power Core is achieved.
If the surface consists of a single diamond frame, then this must connect to Power Core via IP. The Ethernet connection can
be made directly (point-to-point) or via a network (LAN or WAN).
If the surface consists of more than one frame, then the network communication with Power Core can be achieved in one of
two ways:
The first diamond frame connects to Power Core via IP, and the second frame is daisy-chained to the first using an
external CAN bus cable (CAN A).
Each diamond frame connects individually to Power Core via IP.
If you have a diamond frame that is wider than 4 modules, then it behaves like two separate frames (with two ETHERNET /
CAN connector boards).
The rest of this topic explains how to connect and configure each scenario.
Configuring a Single Frame
Configuring a Surface with Multiple Frames
The IP connection(s) to Power Core may use either a Multicast or Unicast IP address scheme. If you wish to use
Unicast IPs for more than one frame, then this requires some additional configuration (in the ON-AIR Designer).