diamond - User Manual
Version: 8.0.0/1
Exported on: 24 October, 2023
Once the subscription is successful, the Source Display updates to show the Group name, Stream name and Source name.
For example:
core02 = the Group name (detected from the network).
pgm1 =
Stream name (detected from the network).
Rav 01 = the Source name (defined in the system configuration).
If signal is present, then you will see the input level on the Source Display meter.
Stream Subscription: Status Messages
Whenever you subscribe to a stream, the fader strip Source Display reports back on the status of the connection.
Under normal circumstances, the expected sequence of messages is as follows:
Mute -> (Pending) -> Tuning -> (Unstable) -> <Stream-Name>
Note that messages shown in () may or may not appear. The table below explains the meaning of each message.
This indicates that no stream is connected to the Ravenna input.
Appears if the connected stream is not available. In this instance, the console will wait for the stream
announcement to appear on the network, and then automatically initiate the subscription process.
Typically, this message does not appear when selecting a stream from a RAVENNA source pool, as the
list presented to the operator is constantly updated (in the background).
The message can appear if the source has been configured using a default subscription. For example, if
a stream is connected via VSM, or following a warm start (while restoring the last known connection).
Appears while the console measures the streaming quality, and sets its stream receiving parameters to
ensure correct audio playback.
During the tuning cycle the audio input is muted, and then unmuted once the task is complete.
If a stream is being received for the first time, then the tuning process can take a couple of seconds. This
initial tuning information is stored in permanent memory. It is then used whenever you select the same
stream, thereby speeding up all subsequent connections.