A-63054 February 2004
to change the global batch counter. The Name Check Setup
dialog box appears.
If the number of digits in a batch name reserved for the batch counter is
greater than the number of digits in the global batch counter value, Capture
Software will zero-fill the global batch counter. Conversely, if the number of
digits reserved for the batch counter cannot accommodate the global batch
counter value, Capture Software truncates the left-most characters of the
global batch counter.
New Every X Documents
—if you enable this option and enter a value,
Capture Software automatically creates a new batch when it reaches the
specified quantity of documents in the batch.
NOTE: Creating a new batch every X documents is not available for
Capture Software
for i50/i60/i80 Scanners or Capture Software
for i200 Series Scanners.
Reset Document Counter
—enabling this option resets the document
number to 1 each time a new batch is started, regardless of how the new
batch was created; otherwise document numbering continues to increment
across batches.
Reset Image/Page Counter
—when this option is enabled, the image
numbering is reset to 1; otherwise, the image or page numbering continues to
increment across batches. If you enable the
Reset Image/Page Counter
option on a document level, this option is not available (see the next section,
“Document setup,” for more information).
Documents – Minimum and Maximum
—set the minimum required and
maximum allowed quantity of documents in these fields. If you try to
process a batch with fewer than the minimum number of documents, an
error message will appear, allowing you to cancel batch processing or
process the batch anyway.
If you scan more than the maximum allowed quantity of documents, an
error message will appear. This message will appear with every additional
document scanned above the maximum value set.
Entering “0” in these fields disables any checks.