Lift controller MLC 8000
Operating manual V2.0
115/196 Drop off the brake or a single brake shoe while moving
This menu item is used primarily to test if a single brake shoe can stop or at least slow down
a running lift at rated speed.
When starting the menu item "Technical check" -> "Mechanical brake" -> "Brake off trip" the
lift controller sets a car call to the top or bottom floor (depending on which floor is further
away from the current car position, i.e., depending on where the car is currently, the brake
test is performed in upward or downward direction ).
After reaching the rated lift speed, depending on the menu selection, the 1st or 2nd
programmed brake control output of the HSE turns off. The drive controller is also turned off
at this moment; any existing feedback contacts of the mechanical brake will be ignored by
the lift controller.
Within the LCD screen of HSE or handheld terminal, the position at which the brake is
switched off appears in the 3rd line. The 4th line indicates how far the car has moved since
the shutdown (only with digital positioning like AWG or encoder).
6.1.7 Testing the monitoring inputs for motor brake (roped lifts) or valves
(hydraulic lifts)
With this menu item the monitoring inputs of the lift controller for motor brake or hydraulic
valves are checked.
If starting the test menu a sub menu for selecting the brake or valve input appears. Brake / valve opened while lift is standstil
With this menu item the reaction of the lift controller is tested if the brake or valve is opened
while the lift is not moving.
For this the selected monitoring input is inverted internally. Depending on the defined
monitoring time the lift controller goes to error state.
The LCD display shows the actual floor, the actual position and the lift controller state. Brake / valve doesn't open on trip start
With this menu item the reaction of the lift controller ist tested if the brake or valve is not
opened while the lift controller starts moving.
The lift controller sets itself a car call to any other floor and ignores the brake / valve
monitoring input. Depending on the defined monitoring time the lift controller carries out an
emergency stop.
After 3 new trials to start a trip the lift controllers goes out of operation. Brake / valve doesn't closed on trip end
With this menu item the reaction of the lift controller ist tested if the brake or valve is not
closed at trip end.