BNP User Guide, Release 3.7.1
- Grooming - Mapping
ETV PIDs Priority
Indicates the source of EBIF ES data for the duration of the ad time and provides the
option to replace or not replace the pre-bound EBIF ESs during ad splicing.
• When
is selected, the spliced ad will provide the EBIF and EISS elementary
streams (ESs). If the EBIF and EISS ESs from the ad do not match the stream type
and descriptors of the network EBIF and EISS ESs, then the network EBIF and
EISS ESs will be dropped. If no EBIF and EISS data are pre-configured at the
output program or no EBIF and EISS data are present at the output then the EBIF
and EISS ESs form the ad are dropped.
• When
is selected, the EBIF and EISS ESs from the ad server will be
, even if they are present.
Default is set to
Play Preference
When the
ETV PIDs Priority
is set to
, the following three options will appear
in a drop down box:
Play through ad
: any EBIF ES data that is part of the output program will continue
to be played during the ad.
Drop during ad:
any EBIF ES data that is part of the output program will be dropped
during the ad.
Play during ad only:
provides the ability to select the input EBIF ES source that will
be playing only during the ad time; if an EBIF ES source is not available, the EBIF
ES that currently exists in the output program will be played.
Default setting is
Play through ad
Late-Bind Source
This option is only available when the
ETV PIDs Priority
is set to
and the
Play Preference
is set to
Play during ad only
• When the above two conditions have been met, an additional field with ellipses (
. .
) will appear. Clicking on the ellipses will open the
Late-Bind Source Dialog
window, which will allow the option to choose a valid pair of EBIF/EISS ES from the
BNP’s input.
Messaging System Parameters
Messaging System
Click this button to open the Program Messaging System Setting window to configure
and enable messaging zones for the program. See “Program Messaging System
Setting,” below for details.
a. A GROOMING WITH DPI license key (which enables DPI for the TS) cannot co-exist with a PROGRAM WITH DPI
license key.
b. For additional information in ETV configuration including details on various EBIF and EISS use cases, see
10, "ETV Binary Interchange Format."
Table 68.
Create Output Program Configuration Parameters (Continued)