Step 13 Connect batteries to the parallel system.
1. Check that no alarm except the No battery alarm is displayed on the LCD of
each UPS.
2. Turn on the battery input switch for each UPS. (If there are multiple battery
strings, turn on the switch of each battery string first, and then turn on the
general switch between the battery strings and the UPS.)
3. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage where the battery switch is located
(if there are multiple battery strings, use a multimeter to measure the voltage
where each battery switch is located, and then measure the voltage where the
general battery switch is located).
4. Ensure that batteries are properly connected (the No battery alarm in the
active alarm list of all LCDs disappears within 2 minutes and no other alarms
are generated).
Step 14 Turn on the general load switch.
● In a parallel system, it is recommended that all racks have the same capacity. When the
system is unloaded, the load rate is displayed on the LCD of the UPS that starts first.
The load rate is not displayed after all UPSs start.
● If you connect UPSs in parallel for the first time, perform all the preceding steps. If you
need to restart the inverters after the parallel system powers off or if the parallel system
needs to transfer from bypass mode to inverter mode, you only need to tap Paral. Inv.
ON on the LCD screen Common Functions.
8.2 Shutting Down and Powering Off a Parallel System
Step 1 Choose Common Functions > Paral. Inv. OFF on the LCD. The system transfers to
bypass mode.
Step 2 Turn off the general load switch, external output power distribution switch for
each UPS, battery switch, and external input power distribution switch (or the
mains and bypass input switches on the external PDC).
● Perform only step 1 if you only need to shut down the UPS inverters to switch the
system to bypass mode without powering off loads.
● If you need to power off the entire UPS system, perform all the preceding steps.
8.3 Performing EPO
UPS5000-H-(400 kVA-800 kVA)
User Manual (100 kVA Power Module)
8 Parallel System Commissioning
Issue 02 (2021-04-22)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.