of the system disk differs from the location specified for that property, a search for the system disk
takes place. In this case, therefore, a longer time might be required to complete deployment.
• If the OS of the virtual server is Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2, the system waits
for initial OS setup to finish. Therefore, a few more minutes are required for the task to terminate than
in other OS. We recommend that you do not change the value of the hyperv.osSettingWaitTime
property from the default value. Note, however, that if the wait time specified for the property is not
long enough, the next step might start before the initial OS setup finishes, causing the task to
terminate abnormally.
The following list provides notes on setting properties:
• The OS user password must be entered twice (the second entry is for confirmation). If the OS user
password is not entered twice, "Password123" is set as the password. This password is also set if the
first entered and second entered passwords do not match.
• If WORKGROUP is selected from the selection list for OS.selectWorkgroupDomain, the maximum
length of the specifiable workgroup name is 15 bytes. If you specify a workgroup name longer than 15
bytes, the string "WORKGROUP" is set, instead of the specified name.
• If DOMAIN is selected from the selection list for the OS.selectWorkgroupDomain property, the domain
name, domain user name, and domain password are required. If any values for these items are
missing or domain participation fails, "WORKGROUP" is set as the workgroup name.
• Be sure to specify both the IP address and subnet mask. If you do not specify both items, the IP
address, subnet mask and default gateway are not set.
• If the virtual switch specification is missing, connections to the virtual switches are not established.
• For the static route, specify the destination IP address, subnet mask and default gateway. If any of
these items are missing, the static route is not set.
• Specifiable time zones are as follows:
◦ Tokyo Standard Time
◦ China Standard Time
◦ GMT Standard Time
◦ Pacific Standard Time
◦ Eastern Standard Time
◦ US Eastern Standard Time
◦ Central Standard Time
◦ Central America Standard Time
◦ US Mountain Standard Time
◦ Mountain Standard Time
◦ Alaskan Standard Time
◦ Hawaiian Standard Time
◦ Singapore Standard Time
◦ India Standard Time
Additional service templates