Property Key
Property Name
Required or optional
Volume type
Specify the type of
volume. Specify one of
the types set in the
OpenStack environment.
If a volume is not
created, the specified
volume type is ignored.
Volume capacity (GB)
Specify the capacity of a
volume (in GB). This
item is required when a
volume is created. If a
volume is not created,
the specified volume
capacity is ignored.
Device name
Specify the device with
which you want to map
the volume to be
connected to the
instance. Make sure that
you specify a device
immediately under the
dev directory in the
guest OS. For example,
to map the volume with
"vda", specify "/dev/vda".
Although some of the properties in the tables indicate that they can be omitted, they may be
required when used in conjunction with some other property setting as indicated in the descriptions.
The following conditions must be met:
• Each instance name is unique within a single project.
• Each volume name is unique within a single project.
• The volume type is set in the OpenStack environment.
Server requirements
To use this service template, the following servers are required:
• OpenStack server -- A server on which OpenStack is installed.
• KVM server -- A server on which a Kernel-based Virtual Machine is installed.
• OpenStack control server -- A server that runs REST-API functions on the OpenStack server.
• Instance -- An instance (a normal virtual server) managed by the OpenStack server and by KVM.
• Volume -- A volume managed by Cinder.
Usage guidelines
Additional service templates