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Settings pane
Target Fabrics
Specifies the fabric to use where
multiple values are delimited by
commas. If omitted, all of the fabrics that
FC switch manager services monitors
are used.
For DCNM, you can specify a VSAN in
this field. In this case, separate the
fabric name and the VSAN name with a
If only the fabric name is specified, all
the VSANs to which the fabric belongs
are targeted.
If "Use Fabric Settings" is false, this field
is ignored even if entered.
Use Existing Zone
Specifies to allocate either within an
existing zone or to any connectable
path. If True is specified, selects a path
within the range of existing Zone setting.
If False is specified, selects a
connectable path regardless of the
existing Zone setting.
Number of Hops Restriction
Determines whether to restrict path
selection to within a designated number
of hops. If True is specified, selects a
path within a specific number of hops. If
False is specified, selects a connectable
path regardless of the number of hops.
Maximum Number of Hops
Specify the number of hops used when
selecting a path. If "Use Fabric Settings"
or "Number of Hops Restriction" is false,
this field is ignored even if entered.
Zone Settings
Update Zone Configurations
Determines whether to add to an
existing zone or create a new zone. If
Use Existing Zone is true, this setting is
ignored even if entered.
Table Continued
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