Settings pane
User-defined name for the service. Preconfigured
services have default names.
User-defined description for the service.
Preconfigured services have default descriptions.
Test or Release. Use Test if the service has not
been tested.
Use tags to classify services and to help organize
Service Group
If you are copying or creating a service, you can
select a Service Group.
Service Template
Click to view a preview of the Service Template on
which the service is based.
Advanced Options
Click to choose scheduling options.
Allocate volumes service templates
The following Automation Director Allocate Volumes service templates for allocating volumes are
provided with the software and are preconfigured.
Allocate Volumes with Configuration Manager
Allocates sets of volumes from the associated infrastructure group through Configuration Manager for
use by servers running a generic application.
Allocate Fabric Aware Volumes with Configuration Manager
Allocates by using sets of volumes from the associated infrastructure group through Configuration
Manager for use by servers running a generic application. This service accesses the FC switch
management service and acquires existing fabric configuration and zoning information when
allocating new volumes to the host.
Complete the following setup prerequisite if you have not already done so:
• XP7 Configuration Manager v8.5.3-00 or later
• Register the LDEV ID and Host Group ID used by this service to the same resource group or virtual
storage machine.
• Create one web service connection for the XP7 Configuration Manager REST API that uses the same
credentials for each storage system managed by the XP7 Configuration Manager.
• Ensure that the same credentials to access all storage systems are assigned the following roles:
◦ Security Administrator (View and Modify)
◦ Storage Administrator (Provisioning)
Supported platforms
Allocate Volumes service templates that use Configuration Manager supports XP7 storage models with
Fibre Channel and iSCSI as the supported interface between host and storage system.
Allocate volumes service templates