The server image, instance name, instance type, and networks (for management and job
execution) are specified. Optionally, key pairs and security groups can also be specified.
The OpenStack DHCP function is used to assign an IP address dynamically during OS startup.
If the property openstack.floatingIpOption is specified, a floating IP address is assigned.
The OS initial settings are specified.
The computer name is specified. Optionally, the time zone and DNS suffix can also be specified.
• To assign a floating IP address to an instance, select "yes" from the list for the property
openstack.floatingIpOption, and then specify the floating IP address for the property
• If you do not specify a floating address, the first floating IP address obtained from the floating IP
address pool for the network specified by the property openstack.networkNameExt is set. If you
omit the property openstack.securityGroupName, "default" is set for the security group name.
• Make sure to specify the properties OS.destIPAddress, OS.subnetMaskStaticRoute, and
OS.defaultGWStaticRoute. If you omit any of these properties, no static route is set.
• Specifiable time zones are as follows:
◦ America/Adak
◦ America/Anchorage
◦ America/Boise
◦ America/Chicago
◦ America/Denver
◦ America/Detroit
◦ America/Indiana/Indianapolis
◦ America/Indiana/Knox
◦ America/Indiana/Marengo
◦ America/Indiana/Petersburg
◦ America/Indiana/Tell_City
◦ America/Indiana/Vevay
◦ America/Indiana/Vincennes
◦ America/Indiana/Winamac
◦ America/Juneau
◦ America/Kentucky/Monticello
◦ America/Los_Angeles
◦ America/Louisville
◦ America/Menominee
Additional service templates