Wait for a task to finish.
Provides the task execution result (normal termination or failure). If
the /wait option is not specified, the command terminates without
waiting for the task to terminate. In this case, a message reporting
the task ID is provided only when the task execution has started
Specify a date for executing a service.
When this option is specified, any of the following conditions will
result in an error:
• An invalid combination of arguments.
• The form of the specified date is incorrect.
• The time indicated by / scheduledate and / scheduletime is in the
past. The relevant time is server time.
• The specified date is outside the range of January 1, 1994 to
December 31, 2036
Specify the date in the form of "yyyy-mm-dd." Specify the year as
yyyy in four digits. Specify the month as mm in the range 1 (or 01) to
12. Specify a day as dd in the range 1 (or 01) to 31.
Specify a time for executing a service.
When this option is specified, any of the following conditions will
result in an error:
• An invalid combination of arguments.
• The form of the specified time is incorrect.
• The time indicated by / scheduledate and / scheduletime is in the
past. The relevant time is server time.
Specify the time in the form of "hh:mm." Specify hours as hh in the
range 0 (or 00)-23. Specify minutes as mm in the range 0 (or 00)-59.
Table Continued
CLI commands