Delete a virtual server
Deletes an instance from an Amazon EC2 environment. In addition, all network interfaces connected
to the instance are deleted.
Start virtual servers
Starts instances in an Amazon EC2 environment.
Stop virtual servers
Stops instances in an Amazon EC2 environment.
Add a virtual server (deploy): Service details
The processing overview is as follows:
Start an instance.
Specify the AMI ID (the aws.amiId property) and the instance type (the aws.instanceType property). As
options, a key pair name (the aws.keyPairName property), the security group ID (the
aws.securityGroupId property), the subnet ID for the first one (the aws.subnetId1 property), and the
private IP address for the first one (the aws.privateIpAddress1 property) can be set.
If you specify a subnet ID for the second one (the aws.subnetId2 property), a network interface is
added to the started instance, and the second private IP address is assigned. The second private IP
address is automatically assigned within the range of the subnet that was set to the subnet ID for the
second one. However, if you specify the private IP address for the second one (the
aws.privateIpAddress2 property), the specified value is assigned.
Server requirements
• AWS control server (execution-target server)
A server on which AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell (referred to as "AWS Tools") is installed. This
product can forward plug-ins to run on the server.
• Instance
A regular virtual server in an Amazon EC2 environment.
• The AMI used for starting instances is created.
• To run this service, the target server must be set up as an agentless connection destination. If you use
a local server as the target server, you must specify a loopback address that can be resolved by
• IP addresses in use or out of range cannot be used for the IP addresses below (or the task will end
Add a virtual server (deploy): Service details