virtual server, the task does not delete the virtual disks that are used as the parents of those
differential virtual disks.
• If the attempt to delete virtual disk files on the virtual server fails, the file deletion processing stops,
and the task terminates abnormally.
The task outputs a list of virtual disk files on the virtual server:
• If the properties hyperv.vhdListOutputFileNameRemote and hyperv.vhdListOutputFileNameLocal
are specified, the task outputs a CSV file that lists the paths of the virtual disk files allocated to the
virtual server that is to be deleted from the Hyper-V server. The task then transfers the CSV file to
the local PC and deletes the CSV file from the remote PC. If differential virtual disks are allocated
to the virtual server, the virtual disks that are used as the parents of those differential virtual disks
are not included in the CSV file.
• If only the property hyperv.vhdListOutputFileNameRemote is specified, the task outputs a CSV file
that lists the paths of the virtual disk files, but does not transfer the CSV file to the local PC.
• The following items are output to the file in CSV (comma-separated value) format:
Header name
Whether virtual disk
files exist
Depending on whether virtual disk files are allocated to the
virtual server when the server is deleted, one of the following
values is output:
Found: Existence of virtual disk files was confirmed.
NotFound: Virtual disk files were set up, but their existence
could not be confirmed.
File deletion result
If you select
from the selection list for the property
hyperv.vHardDiskDeletePermanently, the task outputs the
result of deleting the virtual disk files. If you select
Skipped is output. For the deletion result, one of the following
values is output:
Completed: File deletion finished successfully.
Failed: File deletion failed.
Skipped: File deletion was not performed.
File path
The paths of the virtual disk files set for the Hyper-V server
are output, regardless of the values in Existence and
Server requirements
The following servers are needed:
• Hyper-V server
Server on which Hyper-V is installed.
• Virtual server
Virtual server managed by Hyper-V
Additional service templates