Navigation pane
Settings pane
Host Group Settings
Specifies the parameters needed
to create a new Host Group/
iSCSI target.
Port: -- Specifies the port of the
host group target.
WWN Settings: -- Specifies the
WWN settings when using the
fibre port setting.
Host Group Name: -- Specifies
the host group name when using
the fibre port type.
iSCSI Settings: -- Specifies the
iSCSI settings when using the
iSCSI port type.
iSCSI Target Name: -- Specifies
the iSCSI target name when
using the iSCSI port type.
Host Mode: -- Specifies the host
Host Mode Options: -- Specifies
the host mode options.
Reservation Settings
Reservation Targets
Specifies the storage systems
with the volume to set the
reserve attribute from a selection
of table entries. Specify the XP7
Configuration Manager
Connection/Reservation Target
Storage System.
Submit Service Request settings
The following table lists the Submit Service Request settings for the Allocate Volumes from Virtual
Storage Machine service template.
Navigation pane
Settings pane
Volume Settings
Configuration Manager
Provides a table from which you
can choose the Configuration
Manager connection.
Storage System:
Provides a table from which you
can choose the storage system.
Virtual Storage Machine:
Specifies the Virtual Storage
Machine (VSM) from a pull-down
Number of Volumes:
Specifies the number of volumes
to be made available for the
Table Continued
Services catalog