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November 19, 2009
A. Hybrid
The hybrid GPS/INS mode is offered only when the CMA-9000 FMS is configured in military mode and an
EGI is configured. The highest priority will be given to the hybrid GPS/INS sensor if it is configured and no
invalid flag is associated to its combined GPS/INS solution. If a flag is associated with the combined solution
the equipment may still provide pure GPS or INS solutions. The priority associated to these solutions will
follow the order listed above.
B. GPS (or cGPS/mGPS* for dual GPS installations)
GPS is normally the highest priority navigation mode of the FMS and will be used when sufficient satellite
coverage exists in the phases of flight for which it is approved.
The GPS mode will be selected for navigation when its RAIM function (or FMS’s computed NAIM when a
backup navigation sensor is also available to the FMS) computes a Horizontal Integrity Limit (HIL) value
which is less than the GPS Position Integrity Alert Limit (GPIAL). The latter is a function of the current phase
of flight and of the Required Navigation Performance (RNP). When the HIL exceeds the alert limit, or if the
GPS loses its RAIM function, then:
If GPS (or cGPS) is the only sensor available for navigation:
GPS will remain selected for navigation, but the GPS Integrity annunciator will illuminate and the “GPS
POS UNCERTAIN”* alert message will be displayed.
NOTE: This message is enabled in either of the following two cases:
When a GPS or an EGI other than the LITTON LN-100 GT is configured and the POF (Phase of
Flight) error limits are selected in the configuration;
When an EGI LITTON LN-100 GT is configured and the GPS integrity result bits sent by the
EGI are set.
If at any time GPS becomes unavailable for navigation, the CMA-9000 FMS will revert to the Dead
Reckoning (DR) mode of navigation, the GPS integrity annunciator will illuminate, and the “GPS NAV
LOST” alert message will be displayed.
If additional sensors are available and approved for the phase of flight (DME/DME or
The CMA-9000 FMS will continuously compute an ANP based on the difference of two positions (GPS
and other sensor) and the accuracy of the other sensor. If this ANP exceeds the required accuracy, or if
at any time the GPS sensor becomes unavailable for navigation, the CMA-9000 FMS will revert to the
next best IFR-approved navigation mode, the GPS Integrity annunciator will illuminate, and the “GPS
NAV LOST”* alert message will be displayed.
For dual GPS installations comprising an embedded GPS/INS (EGI) consisting of the following equipment:
INS/GPS (equipment: LN-100GT)
military GPS sensor (as received from LN-100GT)
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