To install the detector correctly, please take the following precautions:
Do not install the detector on metallic surfaces or near big metallic objects.
Do not install the detectors near electromagnetic sources such as electric engines, reactors, electric panels, etc.
Position the detector inside the protected areas.
Position the detector on the frame of the input to be protected and the magnet on its leaf as far as possible from
When using the integrated reed contact with the equipped magnet it is
necessary to take care of their reciprocal position. It is for this reason that on
the detector there are two notches: they show the side on which the magnet
must be positioned and they enable its alignment with the magnetic contact.
The notches show the magnet ends and the two tips show its optimum height
(the magnet axis).
The distance between the magnet and the contact must
not be higher than 10 millimetres.
It is possible, if so requested by installation needs, to install the magnet
support with a rotation of 90° from the contact.
The magnet support also enables you to position the magnet at three different levels,
to compensate possible differences of level among the frame and the leaf. If the
detector and the magnet support are at the same level, position the magnet at level 2.
To install the detector do as follows:
1. Write down a table to summarize the programming for the detector monitoring area (if you followed our advice,
the address of the detector is written on a adhesive label attached on the back of the device).
2. If the detector is not open yet remove the cover.
: the gasket supplied can increase the protection level from IP40 to IP55, but only if the wires
auxiliary Inputs are not used. Insert the gasket in the suitable location (in this case, for item 7, it is
necessary to use the screw and the nut for correct closing).
3. If you must connect the auxiliary Inputs, break the plastic situated on the pre-set holes and make the wires go
through them.
4. Fix the base of the detector either to the wall using nogs or on the door / window frame using screws; the side
notches show the side towards which the magnet support must be positioned.
Verify the magnet’s alignment and fix the base of the magnet support, keeping in mind that the distance
between the two must not be more than
10 mm
. To facilitate the magnet support fixing procedure a bi-adhesive
strap is supplied; nevertheless the magnet support must always be fixed using nogs or screws.
6. Reinsert the supplied battery.
7. Close the contact and the magnet support.
Auxiliary INPUTs wires passages
Gasket location
Screw position