Instructional Literature
Effective: May 2008
Instructions for the FP-6000 Protective Relay
For more information visit:
I THD Alarm
Sets the current THD magnitude threshold level, at or above
which the current THD pickup event occurs. After pickup, if the
current THD magnitude falls below the specified threshold, a
current THD dropout event occurs.
Sets the number of seconds that the current THD magnitude
must remain at or above threshold, before the specified trip
output occurs.
V THD Alarm
Sets the voltage THD magnitude threshold level, at or above
which the voltage THD pickup event occurs. After pickup, if the
voltage THD magnitude falls below the specified threshold, a
voltage THD dropout event occurs.
Sets the number of seconds that the voltage THD magnitude
must remain at or above threshold, before the specified trip
output occurs.
Breaker Alarm
# of Operations:
The FP-6000 counts the number of breaker operations. A breaker
operation is counted when the breaker is opened after being
closed for 3 cycles based on the state of the 52a and/or 52b
contact inputs. This setting is used to provide a breaker alarm
indication if the breaker is operated more than the specified
settings. This counter is intended to be used for scheduling
breaker maintenance after a number of operations.
Isum INTR Amp:
In addition to counting the breaker operations, the FP-6000
records the interrupted current per phase and accumulates the
total current interrupted on a per phase basis. If any of the
accumulated interrupted phase currents exceeds this setpoint
then an alarm and indication will occur. This accumulator is
intended to be used for scheduling breaker maintenance after the
accumulated interrupted current exceedsthe setpoint.
In the FP-6000, three settings are added to reflect the breaker
Isum 1Hour:
This setting sets an alarm limit for Accumulated Interrupt Current
(kA) per hour. This feature relates the Accumulated Interrupt
Current (kA) to its operation frequency.
This setting allows the user to specify the breaker wear alarm
level based on the breaker wear curve.
This setting allows the user to specify the breaker wear lockout
level based on the breaker wear curve.
5.4.4 Logging Settings
The following are setpoints needed to configure the Logging
Current Demand
Interval (m):
Sets the interval in number of minutes from 1 to 60 minutes in
1 minute intervals. After each specified interval, the average
current for that period is calculated and updated.
Power Demand
Sets the window to “Fixed” or “Slide.” If “Fixed” window is
selected, after each specified interval, the average power for that
period is calculated and updated. If “Slide” window is selected
the average power is calculated and updated every minute for
the interval specified. For example, if a 15-minute demand
window is selected, the calculated demand is the average power
during the last past 15 minutes, updated every minute.
Interval (m):
Sets the interval in number of minutes from 1 to 60 minutes in
1 minute intervals. After each specified interval the average value
of real, reactive and apparent power is calculated and updated.
Event Log Enable
These settings are used to define what pickup functions get
recorded in the Event Log and can be used to prevent frequent
and normal events from filling up the event log memory. The
default setting for all settings under Event Log Enable is “No”,
except for I Pickup.
I Pickup:
Selecting “Yes” will enable specified current related pickup and
dropout events to be logged.
V Pickup:
Selecting “Yes” will enable specified voltage related pickup and
dropout events to be logged.
Freq Pickup:
Selecting “Yes” will enable specified frequency related pickup
and dropout events to be logged.
PF Pickup:
Selecting “Yes” will enable specified power factor related pickup
and dropout events to be logged.
Unbal Pickup:
Selecting “Yes” will enable specified current and voltage
unbalance related pickup and dropout events to be logged.
SYSALM Pickup:
Selecting “Yes” will enable specified system alarm related pickup
and dropout events to be logged.
Power Pickup:
Selecting “Yes” will enable specified power related pickup and
dropout events to be logged.
Logic Pickup:
Selecting “Yes” will enable specified logic related pickup and
dropout events to be logged.
Var Pickup:
Selecting "Yes" will enable specified reactive power related
pickup and dropout events to be logged.
RTD Pickup:
Selecting "Yes" will enable specified thermal protection related
pickup and dropout events to be logged.
Cin 1-8:
Each contact input can be individually set to either “Yes” or “No.”
The contact inputs can be programmed to any input from the
Contact Input CFG in the setting menu. See setting description of
Contact Input CFG for details. Selecting “Yes” will enable
specified Cin related pickup, output and dropout events to be