Instructional Literature
Effective: May 2008
Instructions for the FP-6000 Protective Relay
For more information visit:
Table 61. Event Pickup, or Dropout Cause Table.
Phase Instantaneous Over Current is picked up or
dropped out.
IOC Pickup Status – contains status flags that describe the state of all possible IOC pickups.
IX (ground) Instantaneous Over Current is picked up
or dropped out.
IOC Pickup Status – contains status flags that describe the state of all possible IOC pickups.
IR Residual Instantaneous Over Current is picked up
or dropped out.
IOC Pickup Status – contains status flags that describe the state of all possible IOC pickups.
Phase Time Over Current is picked up or dropped out.
TOC Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe the state of all possible TOC pickups.
IX (ground) Time Over Current has picked up or
dropped out.
TOC Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe the state of all possible TOC pickups.
IR Residual Time Over Current has picked up or
dropped out.
TOC Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe the state of all possible TOC pickups.
59M OV
Main Phase Overvoltage has picked up or dropped
Voltage Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all under and overvoltage pickups.
27M UV
Main Phase Undervoltage has picked up or dropped
Voltage Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all under and overvoltage pickups.
59A OV
Auxiliary Overvoltage has picked up or dropped out.
Voltage Pickup Status - contains the status flags that describe all under and overvoltage pickups.
59N OV
Neutral Overvoltage has picked up or dropped out.
Voltage Pickup Status - contains the status flags that describe all under and overvoltage pickups.
32 Power
Power Protections have picked up or dropped out.
Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
27A UV
Auxiliary Undervoltage has picked up or dropped out.
Voltage Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all under and overvoltage pickups.
46 Iunbal
Phase Current Unbalance has picked up or dropped
Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
47 Vunbal
Phase Voltage Unbalance has picked up or dropped
Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
81 UF
Underfrequency has picked up or dropped out.
Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags hat describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
81 OF
Overfrequency has picked up or dropped out.
Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
Breaker Failure has picked up or dropped out.
Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
55A PF
Apparent Power Factor has picked up or dropped out. Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
55D PF
Displacement Power Factor has picked up or dropped
Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
Zin Trip
Zone Interlock Trip has picked up or dropped out.
Miscellaneous Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all unbalance, frequency,
breaker failure, power factor, power and zone interlocking pickups.
The system alarm for Watt, VA, or VAR has picked up
or dropped out .
System Alarm Pickup Status – contains the status flags for all system alarms.
The system alarm for Watt demand, VA demand, or
VAR demand has picked up or dropped out.
System Alarm Pickup Status – contains the status flags for all system alarm pickups.
The system alarm for Current Demand has picked up
or dropped out.
System Alarm Pickup Status – contains the status flags for all system alarm pickups.
THD CurAlm
The system alarm for Current Total Harmonic Distor-
tion has picked up or dropped out.
System Alarm Pickup Status – contains the status flags for all system alarm pickups.
THD VolAlm
The system alarm for Voltage Total Harmonic Distor-
tion has picked up or dropped out.
System Alarm Pickup Status – contains the status flags for all system alarm pickups .
Loss of potential has pickup or dropped off.
Voltage Pickup Status – contains the status flags that describe all under and overvoltage pickups.
Coldload pickup has been on or off.
Sync Control Status - contains the status flags for sync-check and cold load conditions.
RTD Prot
RTD protections have picked up or dropped out.
RTD Pickup Flags contain all RTD channels and thermal model protection flags.
RTD Alm1
RTD alarm 1s have picked up or dropped out.
RTD Alarm1 Pickup Flags contain all RTD channels and thermal model protection flags.
RTD Alm2
RTD alarm 2s have picked up or dropped out.
RTD Alarm2 Pickup Flags contain all RTD channels and thermal model protection flags.
49M Alm
Thermal replica protection has picked up or dropped
RTD Pickup Flags contain all RTD channels and thermal model protection flags.
32 Var
Var protections have picked up or dropped out.
Var Misc Pickup Flags contain Var and other reactive power related protection flags.