You can open a program but it doesn’t work pro p e r l y, or you
see messages re p o rting system erro r s .
The Turbo 601 has been tested ex t e n s i ve ly with existing pro grams. Howeve r, a
few older pro grams may have compatibility pro blems.
Tu rn off the Modern Memory Manager in the Tu r b o 601 control panel (also
located in the Memory control panel) and re s t a rt your computer. Be sure to
t u rn the Modern Memory Manager back on when your fin i s h e d .
You may need to turn off the card when using the pro gra m. Use the
Tu r b o 601 co n t rol panel to turn off the card, then re s t a rt the computer.
N OT E : For best perfo rmance, contact the pro gra m ’s publisher for an upgra d e .
A program runs more slowly than it did before installing the card .
Some pro grams are designed to run optimally with the 601 pro c e s s o r. These
p ro grams are re fe rred to as being native or “A c c e l e rated for Power Macintosh.”
Other non-native pro grams may run faster if you turn off the card when yo u
use them. Use the Turbo 601 control panel to turn off the Turbo 601.
If the pro gram is not PowerPC native, contact the pro gra m ’s manu fa c t u re r
to see if a PowerPC upgrade is ava i l abl e .
If the pro gram is PowerPC native, make sure that the Turbo 601 was turn e d
on during the pro gra m ’s installation. Some pro gram installers detect which
p rocessor is being used and only install a ve rsion for that pro c e s s o r. Also be
s u re that the Modern Memory Manager is turned on.
You run out of memory when using programs designed for the
PowerPC micro p ro c e s s o r.
Tu rn on virtual memory in the Memory control panel to make more mem-
o ry ava i l able. For the best perfo rmance while using virtual memory, set the
v i rtual memory size in the Memory control panel to the size of the ava i l-
able built-in memory plus 1.
Install more memory in your computer.