3 .
Open the Sets menu and choose “System 7.X only.” This turns off all ex t e n-
sions and control panels except those installed with System 7.5 or gre a t e r.
4 .
Close the Extensions Manager to continue start u p .
5 .
When the computer is re a dy, try the same actions that caused the pro bl e m .
If the pro blem no longer occurs, you pro b ably have an extension or contro l
panel that doesn’t wo rk with the PowerPC. Continue with the next section.
Test individual extensions and control panels
1 .
S t a rt up your computer, holding down the space bar. Holding down the
space bar opens the Extensions Manager control panel during start u p .
2 .
Release the space bar when the Extensions Manager control panel opens.
3 .
To turn on one of the extensions or control panels by cl i cking its name.
4 .
Close the Extensions Manager to continue start u p .
5 .
When the computer is re a dy, try the same actions that caused the pro bl e m .
If the pro blem does not occur again, then the item is pro b ably compatibl e
with the PowerPC and System 7.5 or gre a t e r.
If the pro blem occurs again, the pro gram is pro b ably incompatible. Open
the Extensions Manager and cl i ck the pro gra m ’s name to re m ove the ch e ck .
6 .
Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each item you want to test.