The danger of static electricity
WARNING: The DayStar Turbo 601 uses electronic components that are s e n s i-
t i ve to static electri c i t y. When handling and installing the Tu r b o6 0 1 , you mu s t
t a ke care to prevent the components from being damaged by static curre n t s .
A lways wo rk in an area of low static electricity and connect the anti-static
b racelet to a grounded surface to prevent static discharge .
P re c a u t i o n s
H e re is a brief list of precautions that help ensure proper gro u n d i n g :
DO NOT attempt installation on a carpeted flo o r.
DO NOT wear leather shoes—we recommend shoes with
ru bber soles.
DO NOT attempt installation in an ove r ly dry env i ronment— s p ray mist
the wo rk area with water prior to installation.
DO NOT wear silk or polyester clothing while doing the
i n s t a l l a t i o n — we recommend cotton cl o t h i n g .
R E M OVE ALL JEWELRY (rings, bracelets, wa t ches, etc.) befo re installation.
N OTE: If you open your computer once the Turbo 601 is installed, don’t touch
the heat sink on the card. It can get ve ry hot.