Your System Folder may be protected, or the System and Finder files may
be locked. To turn off System Folder Protection, use the Pe r fo rma contro l
panel or the General Controls panel (depending on your ve rsion of system
s o f t wa re). To see if your System file or Finder file is locked, select the fil e ’s
icon, then open the File menu and choose Get Info. To unlock the fil e ,
cl i ck the Locked ch e ck b ox to re m ove the X. Restart your computer and
m a ke sure that the System file and Finder file are unlocke d .
P roblems using the Turbo 601
This section helps with pro blems you might encounter using the computer
after installing the Turbo 601.
You can’t start up the computer
When you turn on your computer, you see a “bomb” message.
You pro b ably have an incompatible item in the System Fo l d e r. To turn off
p o t e n t i a l ly incompatible items in the System Fo l d e r, hold down the Space bar
while you re s t a rt your computer. When the Extensions Manager opens,
choose “System 7.X Only” from the Sets pop-up menu. Close the Extensions
M a n ager to resume startup. All extensions are turned off, except those
installed with System 7.5 or gre a t e r. Once you have started up the computer,
you need to determine which startup pro gram is causing the pro blem. Fo r
i n s t ructions, see “Testing for Compatibility” later in this ch a p t e r.
Your system softwa re may be damaged. Start up the computer using the
Disk To o l s
disk that came with the upgrade card. When you have re s t a rt e d
the computer, fo l l ow the instructions in “Pe r fo rming a Clean Installation” in
later in this ch a p t e r.