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About this manual
This manual provides basic info rmation for installing and using the D ay S t a r
Tu r b o 601. If you are unfamiliar with using the Macintosh, rev i ew the Ap p l e
O w n e r ’s Guide befo re installing the board. Here ’s what yo u ’ll find in this manu a l :
Chapter 1:
“Getting Started” lists some precautions you should take
b e fo re beginning the installation. It also incl u d e s a quick re fe rence sec-
tions for installing the Turbo 601.
Chapter 2:
“Installing the Turbo 601 - Macintosh IIci” includes detailed
i n s t ructions on pre p a ri n g and installing Turbo 601 in a Macintosh IIci
c o m p u t e r.
Chapter 3
: “Installing the Turbo 601 - IIvi, IIvx, Pe r fo rma 600” incl u d e s
detailed instructions on pre p a ring and installing the Turbo 601 in a
Macintosh IIvi, IIvx or Pe r fo rma 600 computer.
Chapter 4
: “Installing the Turbo 601 - IIsi” includes detailed instru c-
tions on pre p a ring and installing the Turbo 601 in a Macintosh IIsi.
Chapter 5
: “Installing and using the Turbo 601 Softwa re” incl u d e s
detailed instructions on installing and using the Turbo 601’s re q u i re d
s o f t wa re .
Chapter 6
: “Tro u bleshooting” includes detailed instructions on tro u-
bleshooting pro blems with the system softwa re and the Turbo 601 and
also provides tips for improving your perfo rmance.
Appendix A:
“ P roduct Support” includes the product specific a t i o n s ,
wa rranty and instructions for re t u rning the Turbo 601 for serv i c e .