Thank you for purchasing a DayStar p ro d u c t. You have purchased a perfo rm a n c e
u p grade with unsurpassed compatibility, re l i ability and perfo rmance. The
Tu r b o 6 0 1 s u b s t a n t i a l ly increase Macintosh system speed and re s p o n s i ve n e s s .
U s e rs benefit through increased productivity - complete more wo rk in a day or
spend the time saved to improve wo rk quality.
About the Turbo 601
The Turbo 601 is based on the award winning Turbo 040 design and pr ovides
even greater performance with its PowerPC 601 CPU. The PowerPC 601 is
part of a family of high performance processors developed by Apple, IBM and
Motorola. The PowerPC follows a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
architecture that provides significantly greater performance than the Complex
Instruction Set Computer (CISC) architectures found in the original Apple
Macintoshes and IBM compatibles.
Applications must be written with the PowerPC in mind to fully utilize its per-
formance capability. Such software is referred to as being “native,” because it
is written in the PowerPC’s native language. When running older, non-native
software on a PowerPC-equipped machine, it must run in a slower “emula-
tion” mode. This will result in performance comparable to a low end
68040 Macintosh.
The Turbo 601 includes ge nuine Apple ROMs (Read Only Memory) for 100%
compatibility with Power Macintosh compatible softwa re and hardwa re. The
Turbo 601 also comes standard with a 256K secondary cache that allows the
c a rd to operate at the maximum possible perfo rm a n c e. The Turbo 601 is ava i l-
able in models that support the Macintosh IIci, IIvi, IIvx and Pe r fo rma 600.
The Turbo 601 provides a simple plug and play installation. Pop in the card ,
install System 7.5 or gre a t e r, and run the DayStar installer. It’s that easy!
The Turbo 601 gi ves users the best of both worlds. Native applications can run at
full speed using the board ’s PowerPC pro c e s s o r. Non-native or emulated applica-
tions ge n e ra l ly run at slow 68040 speeds, which is still up to twice the
p e r fo rmance of your standard 68030 machine! Additionally, if you ever ex p e ri-
ence pro blems running specific applications in emulation mode, you can disabl e
the Turbo 601 and use the motherboard ’s 68030.