1 4 . When you see a message re p o rting that the installation was successful, yo u
m ay need to cl i ck Restart. (You need to re s t a rt only if you installed softwa re
onto the startup disk.)
1 5 . Run the DayStar Installer to reinstall the Turbo 601 softwa re. See “Installing
the Turbo 601 softwa re” in Chapter 4.
1 6 . You may want to copy some other files (such as screen save rs or other per-
sonalized items) from the “Previous System Folder” into the new System
Fo l d e r. Be sure to test these items for compatibility by fo l l owing the
i n s t ructions in the previous section, “Testing for compatibility”.
Incompatible formatting software
Some older fo rm a t t e rs are not compatible with the PowerPC CPU. Upgrading to
the latest release of your fo rmatting softwa re and updating your disk’s dri ve r
will solve the pro blem.
If you failed to update your dri ver during the installation of the Turbo 601 and
a re ex p e riencing pro blems, re m ove the Turbo 601, update the disk dri ver and
then reinstall the card. If you do not know which softwa re was used to fo rm a t
your tro u blesome disk, contact the vendor that sold it to you. If you cannot fin d
out which fo rmatter was used or you don’t have access to it, you can try to
update the dri ver with a diffe rent fo rm a t t e r, being sure to back up your data
first. If this fails, you will need to re fo rmat the disk, again making sure you use a
PowerPC compatible ve rsion of the fo rm a t t e r.
A note on Blind Tr a n s f e r s .
M a ny third party (non-Apple) fo rm a t t e rs provide a
“ blind tra n s fe rs” option for faster SCSI perfo rmance. Because the re l i ability of
blind tra n s fe rs is less than standard handshaking, we typically suggest that yo u
d i s able the blind tra n s fe rs fe a t u re befo re installing the Turbo 601.