P roblems installing system software
This section helps you solve pro blems you might encounter while installing
System 7.5 or greater and related softwa re .
Not enough memory to use the Installer
When you try to use the Installer, you see a message that the Installer is out of
m e m o ry. Usually this means that your disk cache or RAM Disk is set too high.
Quit all open application pro grams. Open the Memory control panel, s e t
your disk cache to the lowest possible setting and turn on Vi rtual Memory.
Not enough memory to install the software
When you try to use the Installer, you see a message that your computer doesn’t
h ave enough memory to install the softwa re. This means that your Macintosh has
less RAM (random-access memory) than is re q u i red to use System 7.5 or gre a t e r.
Contact your reseller for info rmation on purchasing additional memory.
Not enough disk space
When you try to use the Installer, you see a message that there is not enough
disk space ava i l able to install the softwa re.
M a ke more space ava i l able on your hard disk by re m oving some files fro m
the disk. Make backup copies of the files, if necessary, and then drag them
to the Trash and choose Empty Trash from the Special menu .
If you are installing from flo p py disks, you can also try starting up yo u r
Macintosh using the
Install Me Fi rst
disk. Using the Installer this way
re q u i res less disk space.
D i fficulty modifying the System fil e
When you try to use the Installer, you see a message that the System file cannot
be modified (or repeated messages asking if it’s okay to modify the System fil e ) .
If viru s - p rotection softwa re is turned on, turn it off by drag ging it out of the
System Folder and re s t a rting your computer. Tu rn it back on after installation.
Try disabling your extensions by holding down the Shift key while yo u
re s t a rt the computer (If you are installing over a netwo rk, you cannot use
this solution).