Quick installation re f e re n c e
Please read all of the instructions befo re you start the installation pro c e d u re. If
you are not ex p e rienced in the installation of the Turbo 601, we suggest that
you fo l l ow the detailed instructions in the fo l l owing ch a p t e rs. If you are fa m i l i a r
with installing the Turbo 601, you may fo l l ow these steps:
1 . B a ck up all hard dri ve s .
2 . C h e ck your hard dri ves with Ap p l e ’s Disk Fi rst Aid.
3 . Update your hard dri ves’ dri ver softwa re with a ve rsion known to be com-
p a t i ble with the Power Macs. If you are using Apple HD SC Setup, update
your dri ves using ve rsion 7.3.2 or gre a t e r. If you used a non-Apple fo rm a t-
t e r, contact the vendor to make sure your ve rsion is PowerPC compatibl e .
4 . Tu rn off the Macintosh and re m ove all connectors and the power cord.
5 . R e m ove the Mac cove r.
6 . Put on the anti-static wrist strap fo l l owing the instructions on the pack age .
7 . R e m ove any add-in cards from the motherboard cach e / a c c e l e rator slot.
8 . O rient the Turbo 601 over the motherboard cach e / a c c e l e rator slot and
p ress down until it is firm ly seated.
9 . Replace the cover and attach the power cord and other remaining cabl e s .
1 0 . Update your system softwa re to a unive rsal “system for all Macintoshes”
ve rsion and then run the DayStar installer.
11. R e s t a rt the Mac – If any pro blems occur, see Tro u bleshooting, Chapter 5.
Removing the Turbo 601
If you must re m ove the Turbo 601, fo l l ow the instructions below :
1 . Tu rn off the Macintosh and re m ove all connectors and the power cord.
2 . R e m ove the Mac cove r.
3 . R e m ove the Turbo 601 from the motherboard cach e / A c c e l e rator slot.
4 . Replace the cover and make sure all cables are pro p e r ly connected.
This concludes re m oval of the Turbo 601.