Contacting DayStar online
C o m p u S e r v e :
You can contact DayStar through our fo rum, Macintosh A Vendor Fo rum Section
6 or at our EMail address: 75300,1544.
Our softwa re is ava i l able at the fo l l owing location: Third Pa rties; Third Pa rties D-
G; DayStar Digital; File Libra ry/Utilities. Our Link address is: DAY S TAR.TECH.
America Online:
D ay S t a r ’s fo rum is in the Industry Connection Area. Our address is: DAY S TAR OL.
G E n i e :
Type “M606,1” then “SET5” Page 606,2 - Catego ry 5
e Wo r l d :
Our address is: DAY S TAR OL.
Apple and Macintosh are tra d e m a rks of Apple Computer, Inc., re gi s t e red in the
U.S. and other countries. PowerPC is a tra d e m a rk of IBM. DayStar Digital is a
re gi s t e red tra d e m a rk and Turbo 601 is a tra d e m a rk of DayStar Digital, Inc.
D ayStar product specifications are subject to ch a n ge without notice. Po rtions of
this manual copy right 1994 Apple Computer, Inc.
We appreciate comments you may have on this manual. This manual wa s
designed and produced on a Macintosh with DayStar upgrades installed.
Pa rt Number: 81-00474 A
C o py right 1995, DayStar Digital, Inc.
M a nual ve rsion number 1.1, 3/95
, GS, HK, JS, KF, TC, WL