6 .
Open the pop-up menu and choose Custom Install. The Custom Install dia-
log box appears.
7 .
Cl i ck the tri a n g l e n ext to System Softwa re so the triangle points dow n .
Select System for any Macintosh.
8 .
Select any additional softwa re you wish to install. To see info rmation ab o u t
an item, cl i ck the info rmation box (marked with an i) across from it.
9 .
M a ke sure that the destination disk listed is the one on which you want to
install softwa re. If the wrong disk name appears, cl i ck the Switch Disk but-
ton until the correct disk name appears .
1 0 . C l i ck Install.
1 1 . Fo l l ow the instructions on the screen, inserting disks as needed. It takes a
few minutes to complete the installation.