NO! I DO NOT hear the “BONG”.
T h e re is no response when the Macintosh is turned on.
A diffe rent sound (the fa i l u re tone) is heard when power is turned on.
If you ex p e rience any of the ab ove, re m ove the power cord from the back of the
Mac. Then, do the fo l l owing:
1 . R ev i ew the instructions and ve rify proper installation, making sure that
the Turbo 601 is firm ly seated in the cache slot.
2 . If the fa i l u re tone was heard, make sure all of the SIMMs are pro p e r ly
i n s t a l l e d .
3 . Plug the power cord into the back of the Macintosh and re s t a rt as befo re .
If the startup process continues to fail, the board may have been damaged duri n g
installation or shipment. Contact your computer dealer or call DayStar Te ch n i c a l
S u p p o rt (9 am to 6 pm EST) at 404-967-2077 for further assistance. You can also
contact DayStar online through CompuServe: 75300,1544, Ap p l e L i n k :
DAY S TAR.TECH, America Online: DAY S TAR OL, GEnie: DAY S TAR or eWo r l d :