T h e Turbo 601 supports Insignia Solutions’ SoftWi n d ows, which allows users to
run Wi n d ows or DOS applications at up to 80486 speeds.
N OTE: The Turbo 601 re q u i res System 7.5 or gre a t e r, sold sep a ra t e ly. It is re c o m-
mend that you h ave at least 8 megabytes (MB) of random access memory
(RAM) and 20 MB of hard disk space to install System 7.5. Also, you mu s t
u p grade any existing NuBus cards that are not PowerPC compatible in ord e r
to use them with the Tu r b o6 0 1 .
Turbo 601 Software
The Turbo 601 re q u i res an Enabler file and a Control Panel to operate. The
i n cluded DayStar Installer will install the necessary files onto your hard disk.
Once you have completed the hardwa re installation of the Turbo 601, be sure to
fo l l ow the instructions in the User’s Guide for installing and using the softwa re .
Installation tools re q u i re d
Installation tools re q u i re d :
Phillips screw d ri ver
Included with your Turbo 601
The Turbo 601 is shipped with the following parts:
Turbo 601 in an anti-static bag
Turbo 601 User Manu a l
Turbo 601 softwa re disk
Wa rranty card
Anti-static wrist stra p
Turbo 601 Adapter llsi (necessary models only )
We suggest that you retain the Turbo 601 pack aging in the event that the card
must be re t u rned for service. If any of the parts listed ab ove are missing when
you re c e i ve your Turbo 601, please contact your computer dealer or call
D ayStar Customer Service (9
. to 6
. EST) at 404-967-2077 for further assis-
tance. You can also contact DayStar online through CompuServe: 75300,1544,
AppleLink: DAY S TAR.TECH, America Online: DAY S TAR OL, GEnie: DAY S TAR or
e World: DAY S TAR OL.